Aloha November!
November is a special month because it starts the holiday season, and leads to one of most everyone's favorite holidays, Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is a star among holidays primarily because of the wonderful times we have gathering with family and friends, but also because of the delicious and bountiful food we like to enjoy during this holiday.
Perhaps the most important part of Thanksgiving, however, is taking the time to reflect upon what we are most grateful for in our lives. Especially in tumultuous times, which don't seem to make a lot of sense, it's important to reflect upon the positive and what is good in our lives, for these things certainly outweigh the bad. Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.
We are grateful for your support and friendship. We wish you a lovely and joy-filled Thanksgiving and wonderful holiday season!!
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